the cover Above is the original artwork from the first episode.  I like the mystical fantastical energy it brings.  

The cover below is the original artwork from the second Episode, which has yet to be published.


**contact me on the next page for the solutions!

**HINT** You will not use all of the figurative language terms.  You can contact me on the contact page from this website for the answers!

color yours like mine...or do something different!  it's up to you!

jamal's favorite things to do when he's bored in class.

1.Supernatural Helper

2. Unusual Birth

3. Talisman or power object

4. Call to action

5. Crossing the threshold

Lately, Jamal has been daydreaming a lot in class.  See what he's been thinking about.

1. As he moved towards the center of the storm the thunder died down.


3. He pushed through the frozen flooded river of fear.

4. But after being held prisoner by himself for what felt like a million years, Jamal continued climbing.

5. Fear ran through him like a cold vein.

6. All Jamal heard was the silence of the lightning behind the clouds.  

7. If he could stay in touch with the firm waxy stalk, he might be ok.

8. It was not easy but it seems the greater the struggle the greater the reward, the greater the sacrifice the greater the gain.

1. A SIMILE compares two unlike things using 'like' or 'as'

Example: I am LIKE a floating cloud flying free.

2. A METAPHOR compares two unlike things without using 'like' or 'as' but instead a form of the verb 'to be'

Example:  I am a cloud floating free waiting to drop my rain.

3. An OXYMORON is a group of words that have been put together but contradict or go against themselves.

Example: Dry rain; Heavy lightness

4. PERSONIFICATION is when non human subjects are given human like qualities.

Example: After walking all day long, his feet were screaming in pain.

5. A HYPERBOLE is an intentional exaggeration used to make a point.

Example: We had to wait a million years just to get our food at the restaurant.  

6. IMAGERY is the use of language that activates one or more of the 5 senses.

Example: The sweet salty smell of the bacon filled the room with deliciousness. 

7. ALLITERATION is the repetition of initial consonant sounds in a word.

Example: Sally sold sea shells by the seashore.

8. REPETITION is the using the same word or phrase over again for effect.

Example: The trip was awesome; the food was awesome; the day was awesome.

9. ONOMATOPOEIA is the use of sound words spelled out.

Example: He hit the baseball with a 'boom'!  and a 'crack!'

episode 1: Jamal and the beanstalk 

Coloring Pages!

Match the figurative language terms to the phrases that contain the terms

a. Jamal's mom tells him, "it's time to have some responsibility" and sends him to the pawn shop because they need the money.

b. Jamal falls up when he lets go of the beanstalk and is sucked into another world.

c. "The world is coming to an end!" an old homeless man held this sign in downtown Atlanta on the day of Jamal's birth

d. Jamal acquires the infamous 'magic beans'

e. the homeless man sells the beans to Jamal and tells him how they work.  

f. Jamal has to succeed at a series of trials to achieve his ultimate goal

Episode 2: the Giant and the Dark Forest
Match the correct step in the Hero's Journey process to Jamal's own journey

*HINT* you can use the information from the previous page.  You will not use all choices.  Contact me on the contacts page for the answers!